Brexit jokes for people with a sense of humor.

Theresa May’s 3 Brexit Red Lines Joke

Theresa May's 3 Brexit Red Lines Joke

Theresa May’s 3 Brexit Red Lines Joke

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Red Line 1: I will never resign
Red Line 2: I will never resign
Red Line 3: I will never resign

Why I Voted Remain Brexit Joke

Why I Voted Remain Brexit Joke

Why I Voted Remain Brexit Joke

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I voted Remain, for two reasons.

1st my kids all work or study in EU countries.

2nd I don’t want them back.

Brexit is Like a Taxi Journey Joke

Brexit is Like a Taxi Journey Joke

Brexit is Like a Taxi Journey Joke

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Brexit is like a taxi journey, the meter just keeps ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just stuck in traffic at Dover!

An Englishman’s Brexit Joke

An Englishman's Brexit Joke

An Englishman’s Brexit Joke

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An Englishman, Irishman & Scotsman walk into a pub. The Englishman wants to go so they all had to leave.

David Cameron Law : Technical SEO Expert with 20 years online business and SEO marketing experience with a science background... Main Interests: politics, economics, science, genetics, nature, environmental issues, consumer rights.